A voluntary organization based in Assam, that has merged traditional designs with modern sensibilities through its Aagor cottons and Endy silk products for many years.

Taking the success story forward, the ant has now launched a new initiative of bringing positive stories from Northeast and similar forgotten communities.
I was so glad I went to this beautiful store, lucky me I had my trusty point & shoot camera in my handbag and one of the store owners Pradeep Krishnappa was kind enough to allow me to shoot:-) The other owner being Smita Murthy. Together they have created an amazing store. So here are some beautiful handcrafted products from the ants store.

The store displays some stunning woven textiles by the Bodo community as well as Naga women.

Black pottery from Nagaland is so beautifully displayed all over the store.

Drool-worthy handcrafted jewellery!

They have a lovely range of kurtas, skirts, tops, stoles and belts.

The lovely, shiny, black pottery:-) Take your pick!
Hi there~ A Selfie of sorts;-)

Textile bound notebooks.

Home furnishings made out of the woven fabrics.
Hope you enjoyed the store tour:-) Do visit it if you are in Bangalore.
The store is located at
2023/b, 1st Cross, 14th A Main
HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar
Tel: 080-41715639
email: bangstore@theant.org
(images by Arch)
What a lovely store!
pretty stuff! I am the proud owner of some lovely North Eastern fabrics, and they are true treasures.
oh that's the traditional jewellery of the naga tribe. i hope they are not giving it away because they cannot afford basic meals.
such things are happening all around the country. business people reach tribals and offer them a tempting sum that they have never heard and part with these away.
A friend who is a prof at TISS said this is happening in Kerala , where all the old furniture is landing - sold by people who cannot afford for a paltry sum and then sold in the high end markets.
I have seen african jewellery - made of seeds sold for a 800 dollars at bergdorf goodman -
i think decorating the contemporary citizen comes at a prize to the aborginals - honestly that is not the word, because once upon a time we were also one of these tribes and a few generations ago our ancestors chose to go away from their traditional professions because they cannot eke a living out of their traditional arts ( jewellery design and weaving in my extended family) and now are - really not important occupations.
- You can choose to ignore this Arch, but couldn't hold back myself from giving my perspective.
(Indian Yarn)
on second thoughts can you not publish my earlier comment?
Only all things pretty and nice should be on this blog.
Aditi~ Yes it is:-)
Sharon~ Wow!
Anrosh~ I like to hear everyone's perspective and as long as the remarks are not derogatory I publish them.
It's an interesting point you have raised here. It;s really sad that such things are happening, I really believe that 'the ant' ~ voluntary organisation is genuinely working towards the upliftment of the northeast community.
Whern I saw these images, my head nearly popped off! WOW!
I am trying to do something like this, planning to start with a small group of women from my village. It's early days, but here's the initial link:
This is very encouraging to see! Fantastic range of high quality artisania. Gorgeously presented store! :)
Very nice store and beautiful things. Thanks Archana for a lovely post.
This is also one of my favourite shops. Did you have a cup of tea upstairs?
Hi Archana, Thanks for the lovely post and the fantastic photos. Will visit your Blog to know what stores to visit when we visit Bangalore Next. Ramesh and I look forward to catching up with you too! Cheers! Priya Kaushik
Catherine~ That's a great initiative! All the best:-)
Anuradha, Isabel ~Thanks:-)
We reached there just after a heavy lunch, so maybe next time we would definitely try out their lovely cafe:-)
Priya~ Great to see you here:-) Sure thing would love to catch up when you are in Bangalore next time :-)
What a lovely store it looks like! I loved the handcrafted jewelry and your sneaky little selfie!
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Thank you for showing this store... especially the black cups with the woven handle were really interesting to see in this combination of pottery with rustic elements :)
One Comment to @Indian Yarn... I often have the feeling that many people in India are in general not so much interested in old furniture, techniques and style as they prefer everything contemporary and modern.. and when there are people ready to buy these old furniture and conserve it in any way for future generations, then it doesn't matter, if they are rich or not, they are interested in their heritage and that is all what is important and when I see such initiatives like from Matsya of a previous post.. then I'm also convinced that these old handcraft and arts are having a place in modern times as well and that the work of the tribal people is slowly getting the respect and appreciation it deserves... :)
Shalini~ Thanks:-)
Lydia~ Thanks:-) but as of now Rang Decor is an ads-free blog:-)
Thea~ Interesting perspective again. Like two sides of a coin there are people who prefer contemporary modern style but might respect and value the rich art & crafts of India:-)
Hey Archana,
Reaaly like those black pottery mugs! Have always wanted to go this store but never made it. After seeing your post, I have decided to make a visit very soon :-)
hey arch! glad u checked out the place. It's a lovely place...just hope they would refresh their stuff more often! though i do see some new things in the pics...so cant wait to go there again. The store managers pradip and smita are the most down to earth people i have met. and the cafe shop upsatirs is one chilled-out place. thanks for this wonderful post!
wow...great post and fantastic comments from very passionate and caring readers. this is what blogging is about.
Love the black pottery - will definitely try to visit the store the next time i am in blore :)
i love their black pottery. also, the cafe upstairs is a great place to catch up with friends. and they make a nice hazelnut mocha :)
I love the North Eastern woven baskets. i have a couple of them at home which I use to store magazines ;also love those little woven boxes - very useful they are .
A lovely store showcasing the ethnic crafts of the north east.
Your pictures brought the store alive.
Beautiful beautiful blog Arch!! Everytime you update a new post, it is literally party time for me !!
You have a real good eye for detail and true love of art/ tradition/culture :)
Keep going ..it keeps me going !!
Wow! Loved it! Interestingly I've been toying with the idea of opening such a store for a while now...someone beat me to it and how :) hahaha
Thanks for sharing the amazing places and ideas! Well done!
@Indian yarn: AFAIK Ants is one organization which really looks out for the people of the North East, and generates a positive buzz about a region that so often gets sidelined
and all the stuff is new & made by master craftsmen - not random fly-by-night chaps dealing with antiques or robbing natives...
visit the store and check it out :)
I'm yet to visit the place. Looking at the pictures makes me feel that the cafe constitutes the wide range of fabric collection, contemporary art. Also the ambience makes it an ideal place to be in.
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