Sunday, August 05, 2007

Radha & Krishna

I have just not been able to get these surreal images of Radha & Krishna out of my mind... Krishna
RadhaThese are tempera on canvas by Kolkata based artist Bratin Khan. I can only imagine the beauty these paintings would bring to the space where they are placed.

(images from


Green Mirchi said...

lovely paintings.. never knew of this artisit. thanks for this post.

Gill said...

Wow! Such beauty. I love them, I wish I owned them!

Vineeta said...

They are dreamy :) nice style. will check the url.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing me to Bratin Kahn's amazing tempera paintings! I am so inspired by them that I am going to print one and hang it on my wall for inspiration.

katiedid said...

You are right. They are enchanting!

delhidreams said...

is it they, who have sent me here :)

Anonymous said...

I am keep saying wow!wow!
have seen many a radha-krishna earlier yet feel attached to the paintings specially with the krishna & cows one.

shula said...

and how lovely are those cows?

Peggy said...

I'm always interested in interpretations of Radha & Krishna. These are the most beautiful I have ever seen. Such a tenderness there. I would love to have these in my place.

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

pacchai, blue, vineeta, constance,katiedid - Thanks a lot...I was spellbound when I saw these and had to share:-)

Adi- Maybe, you never know ;-)

designflute- Thanks:-)

shula- yes, the expressions of the cows are also divine:-)

peggy- Yes, these are one of the best I have seen too:-)

Sheila said...

I'm visiting you by way of my daughter Blue.
The colour and design in your posts is inspiring me to add colour (LIFE !!) to my home. I realise that it has been too neutral for too long.
Give me Reds, gold and brilliant green...!
and thanks for sharing and inspiring me to change my surroundings..!

;) said...

i cant put it in word they r so real. thanks i like ur collection. u have explore paintings.
explore indian calligraphy too.

;) said...

i cant put it in word they r so real. thanks i like ur collection. u have explore paintings.
explore indian calligraphy too.

Tampha said...

i love his paintings..they are so delicate. so awesome to see some of them on your blog :)

priyamanaval said...

I have never seen such a manly depiction of Krishna. Love It.